GCSE English Language/Literature

English  Language


Please enquire 07815089832  harpendentutors@hotmail.com



Please contact us for further details harpendentutors@hotmail.com  07815089832    

The booster  session will look at specific exam requirements which will be broken down into bitesize, easy to follow explanations with examples and practical exam application. This will help with students’ understanding, and by taking this one step further and walking through example texts and related exercises, students will be equipped with necessary skills to successfully respond to exam questions.

The session is designed to:   

  • Teach students exam tips, so they know where to focus their study
  • Give students the techniques and tools to understand their language texts
  • Provide students with a better understanding of reading requirements
  • Walk students through a sample exam paper and sample answer
  • Answer students commonly asked questions

In addition, students will also be provided with some revision resources.









Contact us for further details harpendentutors@hotmail.com or 01582 712866